Our new ebook "A matter of time" is out

We are a fast-growing technology company focused on revolutionising traceable time services. Our business is time, and we’ve put together our first annual timing review to tell you why time matters for your business.  

Over millennia, philosophers have argued about the concept of time, and scientists have come up with ingenious ways to tell us what time it is, from sundials to atomic clocks. Different market forces have driven the need for increasingly accurate timing, from navigation at sea in the 18th century to railway timetables in the 19th century and financial services regulation in the 21st.

In this ebook, we look at the past, present, and future of timing, and examine how clocks have shaped our world. We’ve invited our partners and other valued contributors to explain how and why precision timing has evolved from minute to second to microsecond accuracy over generations. 

Our authors also consider the difficulties facing the technology industry and give their diverse opinions on the challenges we need to confront collectively, including the energy consumption of the ICT industry and space security.

Time fascinates us here at Hoptroff, and delivering accurate timing is our obsession. We hope you enjoy this insight into our world.

Here is a sneak peek of just some of the insights from the ebook:

  • "Today’s financial markets need clocks of the most astonishing accuracy" Author David Rooney, About Time: A History of Civilization in Twelve Clocks

  • "While time is a parameter best served close, fibre optic network quality and performance are more important than physical distance"
    Per Olof Hedekvist and Sven-Christian Ebenhag from the Research
    Institutes of Sweden

  • "By synchronising clocks to a trusted source of time, you do not need to worry about clock drift or manually re-setting time" Orolia


Podcast: Traceable Time as a Service


A new class of data