Four key learnings: GNSS timing threats and fallback options

For all companies operating online or work with cloud-based business technology, GNSS jamming and spoofing became more relevant now than ever before. It is now a focal point of any businesses to increase security and source fallback options to ensure their services are safe.

1. Complete a GNSS vulnerability risk assessment

GNSS threats and fallback options should be part of every company’s risk assessment plan as it is potentially the next black swan event.

2. The pandemic took the world by surprise, GNSS threats could have the same impact

Not many people know how dependant we are on these various satellites that contribute to our lives regularly. By understanding the significance of such events, we can help minimise GNSS threats and maximise fallback options.

3. New technology helps deal with GNSS problems

By building a time distribution network based on internet protocol with timing hubs across the world, companies can synchronise a device pretty much anywhere on the planet.

4. The threats are growing, but there are existing solutions

This technological advance is a range of network and software-based timing solutions that will make services safe for global financial markets, media and broadcast, gaming, e-commerce, blockchain and distributed ledger technology, transportation and public services.

Watch this 2-minute video below to learn more, or go to the full webinar about the loss of satellite connectivity and what fallback options are available to create more resilient infrastructure, and protect society from potential chaos.

Ready to learn more?

Hoptroff Traceable Time as a Service (TTaaS®) is a range of network and software-based timing solutions that are simple, resilient, and cost-effective.

Whether you need the security of verifiable time for compliance, protection from risk and fraud, or want transparency and efficiency, our obsession with accuracy will transform your business.


Have you thought about what would happen if we lost satellite connectivity?


Webinar: Time synchronisation for broadcasting, media and entertainment